Sunday, October 10, 2010

Civility and Politics

I don't know if you're like me but I will be glad when my TV watching is not interrupted constantly by political ads.  It will also be nice when the landscape is once again freed from the numerous signs advertising political candidates.  On the other hand, we have to be thankful that we live in a country where such freedom of expression exists and where we have the opportunity to elect those we wish to represent us in government.

The thing that has annoyed me the most this political season (and I'm sure there have been other such seasons in the past) is the negativity often found in the ads and statements made by various candidates.  Is the term "civil politics" an oxymoron?

I see nothing wrong in a candidate referring to his/her opponent's past record as long as the candidate says what he/she can do to correct the situation being considered (property taxes, etc.).  When the candidates sink to the point of name-calling and suggestions about a candidate's personal behavior I believe this steps over the line.  Certainly we do not want people serving us who are "immoral" because that immorality might carry over into their political decisions.  But cannot the candidates talk about the issues facing the state and the nation (the economy, the state of education, immigration policy, etc.) without getting into personal attacks on their opponent?  I would like to see this happen.  Maybe then I would not be so eager to see the ads and the signs disappear.

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